Friday, 10 June 2011

Bot or Not?

Jessica, Charlie, Kimberley and Kevin have all been working away this week at their piece for On The Verge.  'Bot or Not' sounds like a whole lot of fun!  Check out Kim's blog to find out more about it and also have a look at this cheeky wee vid they have made for their dating site:

Kim explains: Jess, the director, is exploring how to produce science fiction on the stage and do it well. The concept behind the piece is a Turing Test - where a computer is pitted against a human being and through a series of questions it is determined which is the human and which is the computer. Imagine having to prove that you are human - how do you go about doing that? You can no longer use “I bleed” as a response…they can do wonderful things with synthetics now-a-days. 

Bot or Not? is a Turning Test turned game show with yours truly as the host. Two contestants: one a bot and one not. Through a series of questions the studio audience will determine which is which and who is chosen as the Bot will be given one final chance to prove they are not before the studio audience decides if they should be “squished”.
A dark comedy that explores the future of A.I.

And in other news, our wonderful teacher from the Globe, Tom Cornford, has finally entered the digital age and has got himself a website.  He's a director and teacher that is heavily influenced by the Michael Chekhov technique - check out his blog here.

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